My First Long-Distance Bicycle Journey
2017-06-14 10:49:25.355501

After we accomplished our goals at work, my team and I decided to ride our bicycles from Phnom Penh to Kampot. Were we out of minds riding our bicycles 146 kilometers?

No, it was not that big of a deal for my team, as some have already traveled thousands of kilometers on bike trips to Thailand and back.

But for me it was the first time I had done such a long bike ride, and so in the end it was a huge accomplishment.

We spent eleven hours riding our bikes, and to be honest, it took us that long because I was the slowest rider.

I’m a newbie long-distance bicycle rider, so it was hard for me to keep up with the team, and I needed to stop for a break every 10 kilometers.

Ride my bicycle to Kampot was not just for fun and adventure, but it also taught me many very important life lessons.

All along the way everyone in our team continued to keep me motivated by giving me confidence by telling me how I could do it.

It’s the same way with life in general; we must always continue to push forward toward reaching our goals, even when it’s not easy.

I thought I would just give up after the first 40 kilometers, but my team continued to cheer me on, and so I decided to keep going.

Life is the same way when each time we meet a difficult situation we have thoughts of giving up, but if you think that way, you'll never reach your goal.

Good friends are important too, especially when they're there to always cheer you on, giving you the inner power necessary to help you reach your goal.

After 11 hours of hard work in the hot Cambodia sun, finally we all reached our destination and arrived in Kampot safe and sound.

Finally we enjoyed our evening together and had a lot of fun all the time.

We went to Chinese noodle restaurant, and after we filled our stomachs, we enjoyed a massage to help loosen up our muscles and relieve the pain.

The next morning we did some swimming and kayaking in the stream that flows down from Bokor mountain.

I learned that while you are struggling to reach your goals, it can be difficult, but when you finally reach your target, you are able to have a lot of fun and then have the freedom to do whatever you please.

This trip taught me many personal lessons about life.

Thanks to my teammates, Rithy Thul, Kimsal San, Panha Sok, Sela Thul, Sophea Hai and Panha Soun for this great learning adventure.


Eric Thakvika

(English edited by C. D. Bella)

June 14 2017, Phnom Penh, Cambodia